Editor's review
FlyCharts is a chart flash component. It is a set of Adobe Flash (SWF) files that gives an outstanding possibility to visualize data. FlyCharts help create compact, interactive and good-looking flash graphs and charts for web applications.
Features: FlyCharts contains a set of Adobe Flash components. These are kind of a set of primitives that help create charts that are professional looking. These Flash components are a set of Adobe Flash (SWF) files. These provide a range of possibilities to visualize charts. You can create compact and interactive Flash graphs and chart/diagrams. The set does not work with any ActiveX components. No installation is required either. The component set can work with any scripting language and be used with any browser too.
As an aid to interactivity the components can support scaling, zooming and scrolling. Most possible chart types are supported and these include bar charts, line/pipe, pie charts 3D variations and more type support. Small output files are created which is quite a help. Data and component visual style is determined by XML files that lets you quickly and easily set all the necessary parameters. There`s even an on-line wizard to let you create the chart styles without having to write code.
An external JS interface allows working with AJAX style of programming too beside all techniques to work with existing browsers. Combination of Ajax and FlyCharts gives a very usable set of tools to generate dynamic charts for different purposes. FlyCharts can be easily integrated with DHTML Grid component too.
Overall: A set of flexible features supported by setting of detailed parameters, this package can be really useful in setting up professional looking charts and diagrams.
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